University of Cincinnati

School of Environment and Sustainability

Soundscape Ecology


Associations, Networks & Collectives

American Anthropological Association

Anthropology and the Environment Society

Association of American Geographers

Global Council for Science and the Environment

Green Umbrella

GCSC Sustainability Competencies

IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy

Midwest CASC

National Sustainability Society

National Extension Climate Initiative

North American Association for Environmental Education

Political Ecology Network POLLEN

Political Ecology Society

Society for Applied Anthropology

Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education



Teaching Tools

Ancestors Project


Anthropocene Curriculum

Basics of Archival Research

Black Ecologies

Black Women Radicals Database

Citation Matters!

Citation Politics Training

Collaborative Close Reading Online

Conducting Social Science Research during Crisis

Conversations in Anthropology

Creative Ecologies

Critical Zones

Cultural Anthropology Teaching Tools

Dark Laboratory

Data Theatre & Making Sense of Maps and Data

Decanonizing Anthropology

Difficult Conversations

ELEMENTAL productions

Environmental Justice, Conservation and Racial Justice

Ethnographic Terminalia

Existential Toolkit for Climate Justice Educators

Feminist Art Coalition

Filmmaking for Fieldwork

Good Grief Network


Hemispheric Institute

Humans and Nature Art

Inclusive Language Guidelines

Intersectionality Matters Podcast

Indigenous Land & Data Stewardship Lab

IPCA Knowledge Basket


Jennifer Gabrys

Juan Francisco Salazar on Vimeo

Low Carbon Methods and Media


MIT Senseable City Lab


Moth: Art and Craft of Storytelling

Multispecies Salon

New York Library

Nuclear Futures

Open Book Project

PBS 9 immersive museum exhibits

PECE - Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography

Political Ecology Podcasts

Radio Ambulante


Resuming Field Research in Pandemic Times

Signal Space

Social Justice Syllabus Design Tool

Story Collider

Soundwalks and Sonic Walks

Soundwalking as a Black Feminist Method

The Art Assignment

This Land - Crooked Media

Teaching Anthropology

Teaching Anthropology Syllabus Project

Teaching and Learning Anthropological Journal

Teaching with Podcasts

The Anthropology Mini-lecture Project

Undocumented Migration Project

UNESCO World Digital library

Visual Research Handbook

Amazonia/Brasil + Mebêngôkre-Kayapó Peoples


Associaçao Pykore



Aldeia SP



Community Forestry

COVID-19 Interactive Map

Instituto Socioambiental

International Rivers Foundation

International Center for the Arts of the Americas at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Indigenous Knowledge and the Teaching of Plants

Kokojagoti Media Center

FUNAI National Indian Foundation

Mebengokre- Kin Sources

Museu Goeldi

Nhe’ e Porã

Radio Encuentros

Sônia Guajajara

Terras Indígenas Kayapó

Videos nas Aldeias

Xingu Vivo para Sempre


War on the Rainforest

Wild Foundation Kayapó Program

Women 4 Biodiversity

Menire, a mulher Kayapó e o seu trabalho

Menire, a vida da mulher Kayapó e o seu lar

Povos Indígenas no Brasil

No Caminho de Micanga

Feathers art of the Kayapò

Arctic Research Centers + Knowledge Networks

Arctic Centre

Arctic Observing Viewer


Arctic Horizons

Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research


Arctic Research Mapping

Arctic Science Summit Week ASSW

Arctic Stories

Climate Change Adaptation


GIRES Project

Icelandic Saga Map

Inuit Circumpolar Council

Inuit Knowledge Centre

Isuma TV

Never Alone

RESDA project


Tuzzy Library

Yupik Environmental Knowledge Project


Podcasts, Blogs and Curated Collections

AES Engagment Blog

Always Already Podcast

ANTHEN group


Cite Black Women

Conversations in Anthropology

Convivial Conservation

Cultural Anthropology - Curated Collections

David Harvey on Marx

Environmental and Food Justice

IPCA Knowledge Basket

Open Humanities Press


Northwestern Environmental Humanities Podcast

People’s Planet Project




Zora’s Daughters


Films, Photography, Art, Science and Digital Worlds

On Screen Protocols & Pathways

Pathways & Protocols: A Filmmaker’s Guide to Working with Indigenous People, Culture, and Concepts

Video 4 Change - Toolkit

Guidelines for Ethical Visual Ethnography

Aldeia SP

Alanis Obomsawin

Chaîne Opératore


Collecting Collections

Culture Digitally

Digital Ontology


ESRC National Centre for Research Methods Review Paper

Documentary Educational Resources

Global Social Media Impact Study

Group on Earth Observations


Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Working Group

International Visual Sociology Organization

Invisible Indianapolis

Jean Rouch

Learning in Place



Multispecies Salon

Miyarrka Media


Public Lab

Record the Earth



SENSEable City Lab

Sensory Ethnography Lab

Solve for X


Smithsonian Mother Tongue Film Festival

Teaching Visual Literacy to Students

Tools - Carolina Digital Humanities Initiative

UCL Digital Anthropology

Walking Lab

Why we post

Women Make Movies


Data Management, Collaborative Platforms and Stewardship

Belmont Forum

Care Principles of Indigenous Data Governance

Data Feminism

Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research




Polar Data Forum

Rekrei Digital Restoration

Research Data Alliance


WIPO World Intellectual Property Association

WIPO Indigenous Peoples and Local Groups


Critical Data Studies

Algorithmic Justice League

Anatomy of an AI

Anthropology and Algorithms

CARE - Principles for Indigenous Data Governance

Casey Fiesler

Coded Bias

Coming Home to Indigenous Place Names

Critical Code Studies


Decentering Whiteness in Design History

Douglass Global Decentralized OS

Feminist Data Manifest-No



Indigenous AI

Media Manipulation Casebook

Native Girls Code

Open Context TK licenses

Precarity Lab

Protocols for Native American Archives

Ruha Benajmin

Safiya Umoja Noble

Trans of Color Poetics

Justice and Human Rights

Arcus Center fo Social Justice


Ethics of International Engagement and Service Learning

Human Rights Here and Now

Leap Manifesto

Open Society Foundation

Praxis Center


Decolonization and Collaboration

ARCUS Conducting Research with Northern Communities

Care Principles of Indigenous Data Governance

Connected Women Leaders


Decolonizing Anthropology

HWW Collaborative, Reciprocal, & Redistributive Models of Research

HWW Reciprocity and Redistribution

MOOC Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

MOOC Indigenous Canada

The Decolonial Turn 2.0

Reading lists for Decolonizing Anthropology and Beyond

The DecanoniZine – Footnotes

Teaching Settler Colonialism

Kūlana Noi‘i


COVID-19 - Select Resources

A Manifesto for Patchwork Ethnography

American Ethnologist Pandemic Diaries

COVID-19 Recursos para inmigrantes

AAA COVID-19 Resources

Adapting to Disaster

ARC Resources Research on and During the Pandemic

ChronicleVitae - Going Online in a Hurry - What to Do and Where to Start

Conducting Social Science Research during COVID-19

COVID-19 Health Data Predictions

Doing Fieldwork in a Pandemic

Disease X: An Anthropological History

Dispatches from the Pandemic

Earthlab Social Science Research Pandemic Resources

Ethnography in a time of COVID-19

Feeling Digital

Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online

Five Tips for Moving Teaching Online

Guidance for Faculty: How to Get and Stay Connected with International Students

Guidance for International Students: Getting and Staying Connected

Hey Watch This! Sharing the Self Through Media (2020)

How to - multimodal presentations

Ian Scoones Science, Uncertainty, and the COVID-19 response

MacGregor Novelty and Uncertainty

MethodSpace - Making a Sudden Transition to Teaching Online

Remote Conference Presentations

Resources for ‘Just-in-time’ Online Teaching

Resources for Putting course content online in a hurry

Resources for Teaching Online

Social Science Responses to Pandemic- Anthro Roundup

Smithsonian Open Access

Teaching Effectively During Times of Disruption

Trauma-Informed Distance Learning

close up of multicolored strings hung on a fence
Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing
— Arundhati Roy